Dominion's mission is to create conspicuous body armors for High-Risk professionals, with helpful, forward-thinking technology integrated in them. We believe that in pursuing this goal, we can create a discreet, life-saving piece of equipment that our users will look sharp and feel confident in.


Dominion's mission is to create conspicuous body armors for High-Risk professionals, with helpful, forward-thinking technology integrated in them. We believe that in pursuing this goal, we can create a discreet, life-saving piece of equipment that our users will look sharp and feel confident in.

Market Research

When it comes to protection, whether it is Law Enforcement, Body Guards or Military, they must all be careful with which product they choose to trust. In some cases, these pieces of armor could mean the difference between life and death. This is why researching existing products was an imperative first step in this process.

What is an NIJ Level?

The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) has set a standard for body armors to measure the level of protection they provide. This system was implemented for military and law enforcement purposes, but a program to measure commercially available armors exists as well.

Armor manufacturers must submit applications and send in samples to an NIJ approved laboratory to have their products certified and receive an official NIJ level.

Although many of these vests can stop bullets, that does not mean they are stab proof vests too. There are many differences between stab proof and bullet proof vests, and their effectiveness are measured differently as well.

The higher you go in NIJ Levels, the more protection the armor offers you. However, the more protection offered, the thicker the material is on the armor, creating heavy and conspicuous armor. Many armors designed for covert (hidden) protection are lower on the NIJ Level rating. Armors used for overt (visible) protection are larger and can offer more resistance at the cost of reduced mobility and heavier weight.

All information gathered from the National institute of Justice

Protection vs Fashion

After conducting research and pulling information from existing sources, as well as primary sources from law enforcement in Savannah, Georgia, the burdens of modern body armor became all too apparent.

Armor is incredibly heavy, it limits mobility, and it has no visual redemption; it's big and ugly.

Dominion's new goal became clear: To create body armor that offers better protection and looks beautiful.

Here is an exploration of different fashion styles, and different cutting-edge materials to replace the bulky kevlar and ceramic plating from traditional body armors.


Dominion is a team of young researchers and designers dedicated to collecting compelling information and designing new and exciting products.

With our discrete and fashionable design, we hope to achieve a level of security and confidence unmatched by any others for those who require life saving equipment.

Body guards, politicians, performers, anyone who lives in, or works in, a high-risk environment can feel inconspicuously secure with dominion.

Photos by 
Grayson Kent
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